2018 Blogging Goals

by - January 03, 2018

'Go outside at least once a month even if you don't have to (for fun)' and 'log off and read a book before going to sleep' are the most exciting personal resolutions I can offer you. So instead on dwelling and thinking this new year can bring me a step closer to getting my act together (fingers crossed I will finally get my well-deserved old-Hollywood dressing gown trimmed with plush or pluche amiright??), I thought it might be more lucrative to see what 2018 has (potentially) in it for you.

"I'm really looking forward to this blogging year."

Although I'm really looking forward to this blogging year, literally breaking a pen while noting down different ideas and thoughts (although it must be said that the pen had been acting up before and isn't necessarily a reliable witness to demonstrate my enthusiasm), I can't seem to escape a cynical attitude relished in self-doubt.

The cocktail of the two, although forever present as a flaw in character, is toxic when it comes to stippling out my future 'blogging career'. Especially as this year marks my 5th anniversary (hurrah, hurray) and the many opportunities this little hobby nowadays can generate hasn't escaped my attention. The unknown and, to be honest, unreachable has claimed precious space in my dreams; floating as relentless thoughts at night.

This has resulted into an uncertain apprehension heightened by my own pressure of wanting to be 'more' (and in all vanity feeling an undefined entity to the crown and scepter as, on some days, I believe I'm indeed worthy of your undivided attention).

So, that having said and having thought/debated/brooded about the potential 'within me' (for those reading my blog for the first time 1. welcome 2. yes I'm always this pretentious), I gathered that I first of all should either STOP comparing and criticising my own (in)competence or should DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And second of all, looking back with a certain disgust to 2017, I should definitely get my basics together. That's to say: to be a blogger you'll need to blog. Which I somehow forgot last year.

"To be a blogger you'll need to blog. Which I somehow forgot last year."

To summarise, you can (potentially) look forward to 'creation, promotion and salvation'. Yes, those are some pretty vague terms but, you know, it does sound catchy.


  • Publish at least one blogpost a week. Even if it's rushed (quantity over quality #controversial).
  • Write posts and take photographs in advance. It can be a blogging-life saver!
  • Bring back the aspect of fashion in Fashioned by Pluche. Also books. More books.
  • Write some 'evergreen' content (find out what my 'evergreen' is).
  • Start thinking about/planning/creating #Blogmas content in August (I don't think I have to explain this one...).


  • Start a seperate blogging Instagram account (yes, I know the algorithm isn't favourable but it's mainly meant for my personal aesthetic pleasure and trying to entice my visual creative juices. So perhaps it's more 'creation', but, you know, that one lost Instagrammer who accidently clicks on my URL always helps).
  • Try to think of more funny/interesting/nice things to tweet about.


  • Comment more on other blogs/[insert social media of your choosing here]
  • Promote or otherwise engage (although commenting is a form of engaging, here I mean it more as building a long-lasting 'relation') with other bloggers/human beings.
  • Generally be good, do good.

What are your (blogging) goals for 2018?

Comment below!
(And click on 'notify me' so you can read my reply!)

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  1. Basically-- your blogging goals, are my blogging goals. I want to learn how to balance blog with college.Because blogging is really therapeutic for me and I don't want to stop it. 'nuff said. Love this post, love the photos.


    1. Thank you!

      Balance, man, it's just so hard! One moment you think you've got it almost right and then you move too fast or too slow and everything collapses. I always notice when I haven't written something for a while as I get restless and can't untangle my own thoughts... So cheers to trying to find some more spare time (or, you know, just time) to blog some more!

      These photos were actually taken last minute and my camera battery died on me during the 'photoshoot' so it's actually a wonder I've got a picture in the first place and that they turned out somewhat decent. Something to add to the list: learn to take better pictures... ;)


  2. Loving the post! I like how you divided the goals and how you chose them. Taking photos in advance could help me a lot too but I usually forget to do them or are you lazy, haha. Anyways, happy blogging in 2018! x

    -Leta | http://www.thenerdyme.com

    1. Thank you! When writing my blogposts I always have this whole vision before me of how I want things to look, but I never carry them out as I 1) don't have the skills or budget for my fantasies 2) I, like you, mostly forget to take the picture and need to fabricate something last minute and 2) am also quite (read: very) lazy... oops... ;) Oh well, 2018 is the perfect year to start being more creative!

  3. I couldn't agree more with this! I've been at it three years and still put so much pressure on myself and compare myself to others! I too forgot to blog a lot in the last year so will be adding that on my things to do! I used to post every other day and for a while it took a great deal of effort to even get once a week! But I am on it this time! No more slacking!! Ox

    1. Thank you! Unfortunately it's only March and I've already failed on this aspect. BUT I'M STILL TRYING! (and I have some good excuses why I failed, so....). ;) I've actually written some blogposts in advance for this month *mouths 'owh yeah'* and although I'm still very much slacking on the taking pictures part of this, I at least have a plan! *high five* NO MORE SLACKING!
